#bye 2016
“Now is your time. Walk closely with people you love, and with people who believe life is a grand adventure. Don’t get stuck in the past, and don’t try to fast-forward yourself into a future you haven’t yet earned. Give today all the love and intensity and courage you can, and keep traveling honestly along life’s path."
It started as the year of Rising Strong, defining it as the "Phoenix" year. ((and it got very real))
I will undoubtedly gets all sorts of introspective this weekend, but that's my favorite part of New Years. Taking a minute to acknowledge all that transpired in a year -- the joy, growth, failure, unexpected wonder, heartbreaks, adventures and sweet moments that filled the days just passed.
2016 kicked my butt, if I'm being honest. But, then I'm reminded that I asked for it. I charged into it with the intention to be braver with my life, with my faith and my heart. God listens when you say those things.
It was a year of scary but freeing moments of sharing my story, sharing my truth even when it was hard, scary and didn't turn out the way I hoped, of welcoming a little miracle in the form of my niece and witnessing my sister become a mother. There were goodbyes: lots and lots of goodbyes. Days of laying down dreams, and walking open handed into new ones — never quite sure what was ahead.
2016 was an expansive one, in so many unexpected ways. I have been blessed my so many amazing opportunities for purposeful work and community. Joining the IF: Gathering team and launching Little Voices Are Loud, both have shaped so much of this past year — and are shaping the days to come. This past year I literally zig-zagged the U.S. for life and work -- each time seeing the Divine weaved into every encounter. Finding myself filled with gratitude at the community I have and am meeting.
As a global community - 2016 woke us up, broke our hearts, brought us closer in communities, asked us who we really are in a lot of ways. It exposed deep injustice, racism, and prejudice across the world. At the same time showed all of us how much we need each other.
I don’t know about you, but this next year calls for intention, adventure, thoughtfulness as citizens and a little bit of magic. However you ring in the New Year I hope that you take a moment to celebrate and let go of what this last year held for you — and darlingly dream of what 2017 can be.
I hope for you it looks joyful, abundant, brave, peaceful and compels you to move in the direction of what you’re here to do — becoming fully alive in the process. Be a little rebellious, drink good wine (and coffee), adventure, tell people you love them, put your hands to work at pushing good forward and take care of yourself.
2017 is the year of Wellness & Wonder for me personally and am excited to pursue both those intentions - and to see where they lead.