A Real Life Symphony

This past month I have felt the extraordinary sweetness of stepping into a space that you know is only happening because the Divine led you there. 

For no level of experience, amount of qualification or pull towards a mission could have so uniquely knit together, orchestrated, the wonder of a dream you didn’t even know you had. Maybe you knew part of it, but could never have fully imagined it. It’s more important than a role, or a city or group of people. But the indescribable feeling that you are living and breathing in part of your purpose. Something holy settles over you and brings light pouring into your heart. 

Perhaps, at the core we’re all simply searching for moments like this, that place of belonging which feels like coming home to ourselves.  Where timing, people, belief,  dreams, dormant hope, and something all together magical collide to create a place for us step in. It will challenge, inspire and deepen us - but the invitation is extended towards us.

The invitation to walk in purpose, to belong has come in the forms of the people I’ve loved and held broken hearts over. Of the ways I couldn’t show up the way I wanted to, or in the friendships that challenged me in deed, intention or character. Those are the ones I am the most thankful for. In the love that didn’t grow or the words that changed and grew me. It has come in the hope of my family being pieced back together, and learning I could not save it, yet needed to surrender all of it. Both holding fast to hope and often fighting the desire to run from the profound vulnerability of it all with it’s holes and deep tunnels. Yet, always trying to choose love over safety. 

I’ve searched for belonging in my profession and work - and found that when I operated from a place of my own ability or skill I often found myself falling short. My inevitable flaws shattering the illusion that I had it all figured out.

This search for purpose in my every day has defined the work I’ve chosen to put my hands to work to, dictated where I’ve invested my heart and skill. Trusting the Divine to lead me to the moments where I am needed, able to learn and serve. To where wonder brims the edges of every day. 

I have been so fortunate to have experienced days of great purpose alongside a powerful movement, yet equally matched days have been overflowing with disappointment. Others that left me even more confused. 

Yet, as I have experienced the abundant reality of timing, people, and quiet dreams coming to life — I can firmly say all the days of confusion, failure, disappointment, fear — of celebration, joy and accomplishment — are/were/will be worth it. 

Let’s keep leaning in until we know the Divine has taken the lead in writing the story, it's turning out to be more extraordinary than anything I could have dreamed up. 

Suzanna Hendricks